Datum narození / Date of birth:
Otec / father:
Matka / mother:
Kluci / boys:
Holky / girls:
13. 9. 2010
Ch. Nhabira Favourite
JCh. Caly Bohemia Gorgony
4x - Gaston, George, Griffin, Gucci
4x - Ginger, Giselle, Grace, Gwineth
Rodokmen / pedigree
Ch. Nhabira Favourite |
Ch. Twinkling Spencer Original Big Bone |
Ch. Happydream del Caprifoglio |
Ch. Allnightlong della Luna Caprese |
Ch. Nanette dos Sete Moinhos |
Dorothy del Caprifoglio |
Sullivan v. Hollandheim |
Andalusia del Caprifoglio |
Ch. Swede Sun's Ella |
Ch. Swede Sun's Konrad |
Ch. Switherland Blue Jeans |
Ch. Swede Sun's Carmen |
Ulrica v. Hollandheim |
Ch. Norris v. Hollandheim |
Ch. Karipat Ziggy-Zig |
JCh. Caly Bohemia Gorgony |
Bay Biscuit It's So Floppy |
Alexander The Hidraumar It's So Floppy |
Ch. Moonbeams Astronomer |
Heidy von Kreibhon |
Blues It's So Floppy |
Ch. Moonbeams Astronomer |
Oh Calcutta M. De Aquilea |
Benoit's Taimi af Marke Molle |
Benoit's Triton af Marke Molle |
Jimetta Dressed In Denin |
Gayla Bohemia Horrido |
Agatha Bohemia Gorgony |
Ch. Atilla Bohemia Horrido |
Betty Coridwen |